Founding Members & Past Presidents

Justice P.N.Bakshi- The First and Founder President- 1980-1984

Major Achievements

Untiring efforts to motivate few close friends and establish AIKS on 8th/9th March 1980. Preparation and adoption of AIKS constitution on 27-28th December 1980. Brought into AIKS fold as affiliates various organizations from different parts of country. Worked tirelessly towards building socio-cultural connectivity.

Col. P.N. Kak- The Second President-1984-1986

Major Achievements

Implemented various social and cultural programmes. During 1986 communal violence in Anantnag, deputed a delegation and extended all support to the community.

Dr. Nand Lal Zutshi- The Third President-1986-1988
Major Achievements Organized one of the best AIKS conferences in 1986 at Mumbai, attended by about one thousand delegates. During the conference , unanimous resolution was passed calling upon AIKS to come to the forefront and take up the role of coordinating activities of KPs globally. Various short and long term measures to remain connected globally were undertaken.
Brig. R.N. Madan- The Fourth President-1988-1991
Major Achievements 1989-1990 exodus suddenly shifted focus of AIKS towards the enormous challenge of temporary re settlement. During the crises, AIKS took the battle at a political level in the corridors of power at New Delhi. The headquarters of AIKS were immediately shifted to New Delhi from Allahabad AIKS and KSD (Kashmir Samiti Delhi) responded to the challenge decisively and undertook relief and rehabilitation work.
Pt. D.N. Munshi- The Fifth President-1991-1994
Major Achievements Resolution was adopted to develop a programme of dignified Self-Help and Struggle for our Rights AIKS trust as a separate entity under the chairmanship of Late Sh. S.L.Shakdar was established. A high powered advisory council of eminent persons was establish to help furthering cause of community Bahar-e-Kashmir Magazine was replaced by AIKS “NAAD”
Pt. J.N Kaul- The Sixth President-1994-2003
Major Achievements A great visionary, philanthropist with deep commitment towards the welfare of the community. Concept of “Mochi Phol” was introduced and followed at all centres. Through the cooperation of SOS Children’s Village of India imparted vocational training and financial assistance to displaced members. Mass Yagnopavits and solemnizing marriages of girls was undertaken with urgency. AIKS created Pan India presence by bringing into its fold many organizations as affiliates.
Pt. M.K. Kaw- The Seventh President-2003-2009
Major Achievements Amended and adopted new and comprehensive constitution for AIKS. Formulated a National Policy on Kashmir Prepared a comprehensive strategy document on eventual return of KPs to valley. Filed writ-petition in Supreme Court which finally was instrumental in announcing of recent PM’s package in 2008 Government’s recognition of AIKS as a mainstream body of KPs Official mouthpiece of AIKS- NAAD was strengthened. Prepared and issued a detailed booklet on the social reforms needed by the community.
Pt. Moti Kaul-The Eighth President- 2009-2014
Major Achievements Established close contact with most of its affiliates in India and Overseas. Set-up a full-fledged office with dedicated team at Jammu Redefined a mechanism and the terms for return and rehabilitation. Organized conclaves to establish socio-cultural and political space. Established distinct literary space for its official mouth-piece – NAAD, Actively supported community initiatives – Temples & Shrines Bill, KMECT, Radio Sharada and others. Entered into long term collaboration with KOA, USA​​​
Pandit Vijay Aima – The Ninth President- 2014-2018
Major Achievements Engineer by profession, was elected president of AIKS on May 10, 2015. Vijay Aima has a vast experience of Social activism. He was General Secretary of Kashyap Kashmir Sabha, Gurgaon and later the President. He remained Vice President of AIKS for six years. He, as President AIKS achieved a distinction of conducting a successful cricket tournament at Jammu. He took several projects to empower women living in Jammu camps. His priority was education and helped needy students and started remedial classes of students through AIKS Trust. He has been part of several meaningful delegations to the powers to plead the cause of displaced Kashmiris.
Col Tej K Tikoo (Retd) – The Tenth President- 2018-2021